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Stocked is a huge range of quality aquatic species tank products manufactured in glass and acrylic/plastic.
Plastic moulded aquatic species tank products cater for the more affordable end of the market. These aquatic species tank products are generally smaller capacity and these aquatic species tank products are the ideal type when just starting out in the hobby. It is best the new hobbyist invest in one of these more affordable plastic aquatic species tank products to learn the art of fish keeping. It would be unwise to purchase a larger capacity aquatic species tank straight off as the inexperienced fish keeper is liable to make mistakes and with a larger aquatic species tank this could be a very lesson. This is especially the case when initially setting up the aquatic species tank. Patience is one of the key ingredients in setting up your aquatic species tank as it takes time for the aquatic species tank to settle down after the initial set up.
A new aquatic species tank setup requires a cycling in period which could take upto six weeks. Thankfully their are however several conditioning products available (please visit my Water Stuff Page for these) that will drastically cut down on this vital set up period for a new aquatic species tank system.
Their is one thing that needs to be said about a smaller capacity aquatic species tank and that it is less stable than a larger capacity aquatic species tank.
By less stable I'm referring to the aquatic species tank product's water chemistry. You will need to keep an eye on the water condition of a smaller aquatic species tank more so than a larger aquatic species tank as the general rule is that the bigger the body of water in the aquatic species tank the more stable it will generally be. Don't however be put off by this issue of these smaller capacity aquatic species tank products. All as this means is what is required is a little extra maintenance such as a more frequent water change to keep your aquatic pets happy in their small capacity aquatic species tank.
Their is however nothing more beautiful to a fish keepers gaze than a properly set up and running large capacity aquatic species tank. As I mentioned previously just make sure that before you buy a larger aquatic species tank and all that goes with it that you have successfully run a smaller aquatic species tank. Alternatively you could have some on hand proper guidance from someone who has experience in the set up, running and maintenance of these larger aquatic species tank products.
You can purchase either an all in one type aquatic species tank which includes the filter and light built in and also can feature an aquarium support stand or maybe a plain aquarium of which you add your own accessories such as an aquarium support stand separately.
Aquatic species tank products come in a huge range of shapes and sizes and come from a large selection of brands such as Marineland, fluval, Tetra, Sea clear, All glass Aquariums, Deep Blue Professional and Penn plax to name but a few. Click on any of these links below.
Available here is an extensive range of quality aquarium support stand products. The aquarium support stand products featured come manufactured in steel or wood or these aquarium support stand products are available in a combination of both and come in a big range of sizes, designs and shapes to suit all tastes, budgets and applications.
Aquarium support stand products made of metal are the best suited when it comes to large tanks. These aquarium support stands are fully welded and these type aquarium support stands are by their nature pretty stiff and robust. An aquarium support stand sitting on a normal side table with skinny legs is asking for trouble. Aquarium support stand products when made of metal give the most solid base at which to sit a good sized tank on. A hobbyist needs to make sure the materials to which the aquarium support stand the aquatic species tank will sit on is not going to sag or drop in any way. An aquatic species tank that is sitting on an aquarium support stand that is not up to the task is going to spring a leak. A aquatic species tank that is sitting on an aquarium support stand that is not up to the task could also have a whole panel seal suddenly fail with disastrous consequences. The worst case scenario if an aquarium support stand is unsuitable and the glass is so stressed is when it will just suddenly explode showering glass water and fish every where.
When buying an aquarium support stand it is best to lean towards a reputable brand as the aquarium support stand products from these firms have been properly engineered to take the weight of the water in an aquatic species tank it is designed for.
The timber aquarium support stand products featured here are also top quality and highly engineered to make sure they are up to the task when installed properly. The timber used in the construction of these aquarium support stand products is of the highest quality. The fixings in the joins of these timber aquarium support stand products also have to be of highest quality as these points on an aquarium support stand are highly stressed due the shear weight of the aquatic species tank sitting on them. A number of the aquarium support stand products on offer come with cam lock fixing for ease of assembly.
Their different styles of aquarium support stand products available. Their is the basic budget frame type aquarium support stand with probably an inbuilt simple shelf. These budget aquarium support stand products can come made in wood which is usually pine. These aquarium support stand products are also available in metal which is usually steel or aluminum. These aquarium support stand products are nearly all powdercoated which with normal use is a very tough type of finish. This powdercoated aquarium support stand is also highly resistant to corrosion and rust.
The usually dearer aquarium support stand products consist of an item that comes with fitted doors in the front panel. These aquarium support stand products are also available manufactured in wood, metal, or a combination of both. These type aquarium support stand products are more aesthetically pleasing as they conceal the ugly plumbing often associated with an aquatic species tank set up. These type aquarium support stand products are also best at concealing bulky canister filters and will help cut down on the sound if you happen to have a noisy one. On larger aquarium support stand products their would be enough room to accommodate a sump filter for a marine or sophisticated fresh water set up. One word of caution with these aquarium support stand products that lot of them are not actually fully enclosed as the back which usually fits against the wall is open. That's because in most cases the aquarium support stand will be installed against wall. That's ok for an open backed aquarium support stand products but if in the rarer case the set up won't be against the wall make sure the aquarium support stand comes with a back panel or even matching fascias on both sides.
These aquarium support stand products come in a wide range of finishes such as varnished, spray painted polished metal or what ever will best suit your decor. If you can't locate an aquarium support stand to suit your decor or taste you can buy a raw wooden unit with which you can paint, varnish, stain or vinyl wrap to suit.
It would also be prudent as well to make sure that the very floor that the aquarium support stand and fish tank set up are going to sit on is up to the job. It would be terrible to make all of the correct choices in regards to aquarium support stand and then see the said aquarium support stand and aquatic species tank go through the floor.
Another thing to make sure of in the case setting up an aquarium support stand is to make sure it is clear of any foreign matter on top. The smallest piece of grit could crack the base on your fish tank. Because of this it is best to have a material that will sit evenly on top of the aquarium support stand which has just the right amount of give to alleviate any stress issues. The most ideal material in this case to sit between the aquarium support stand and the fish tank is a styrene foam sheet 3/8 to 1/2 inch thickness cut to the size of the aquarium support stand.
Finally make sure the aquarium support stand you purchase fits the aquarium species tank it will be matched to. Any sort of mismatch between the aquarium support stand and its aquatic species tank such as an over hang situation and there could be disastrous circumstances as expressed earlier.
Make sure also that the aquarium support stand you purchase matches the lid or cover it will be installed with. It would aesthetically far more pleasing to the eye if the aquarium support stand and aquatic species tank properly matched.
Ideally it would be best to buy the aquarium support stand and aquatic species tank togther as a set. This is not always possible as sometimes circumstances wouldn't allow this. The aquarium support stand may need to be bought separately as the aquatic species tank may come from source as a second hand item. Another possible reason could be when the aquarium support stand in a set with a aquatic species tank doesn't suit the application or decor of the establishment it was going into.
Click on any of these links below to view the range of aquarium support stand products available.
Also at the bottom of this page is a list of reputable suppliers of the highest quality aquarium support stand products.
Fish tank decor includes items such as rocks, back grounds, plastic plants, drift wood, substrate and fake coral.
Rocks for use as fish tank decor need to carefully chosen in your aquatic species tank. If you are unsure of the type and source of rock for the fish tank decor that you have located it would be best not to use it as fish tank decor in your aquatic species tank. One of the main issues with an unfamiliar rock as fish tank decor is that their could nasty substances that could leach out into the water of your piece of rock being used as fish tank decor. The rock available from this site and commercial aquariums has been tested to make sure that it is suitable for use as fish tank decor.
Another issue is that in a lot of jurisdictions it is illegal to pick up fish tank decor rock from a beach area or fish tank decor rock from an inland park for use in your aquatic species tank. The fish tank decor rock products for your aquatic species tank that are commercially available are sourced from areas where legal permission for their harvesting has been given.
The internally fitted background fish tank decor products available from this site for your are all guaranteed to not leach chemicals into your aquatic species tank. It is possible to design and make your own fish tank decor back ground for use in your aquatic species tank but one has to be very careful as to what materials to use.
Drift wood for use as fish tank decor needs to be specially treated for use in your aquatic species tank. Using so called green timber as fish tank decor in your aquatic species tank is not recommended as the tannins and other chemicals present in new timber are poisonous to most aquatic species. When green or untreated timber intended for use as fish tank decor is used it will contaminate a small closed water system such as in an aquatic species tank. The wood fish tank decor items sold through this site for aquatic species tank products are all properly treated and can be used with confidence. Alternatively, their are a great number of faux timber fish tank decor items available through Aquarama fish tank supplies for your aquatic species tank. These faux timber fish tank decor items in your aquatic species tank are made of a moulded plastic resin which is nonreactive in water. These fish tank decor items for your aquatic species tank are also in most cases painted in decorative colours. Don't be hesitant about these as the paints used are of a nonreactive fish friendly type and won't contaminate your aquatic species tank.
Plastic plant fish tank decor products are a good way of decorating your aquatic species tank. These days Plastic Plant fish tank decor products for your aquatic species tank are visually far more realistic than what was on offer in years gone by. Advances in new plastic materials and moulding technology have plastic plant fish tank decor items displaying a very realistic look in your aquatic species tank.
Plastic plant fish tank decor is especially ideal for use in your Cichlid aquatic species tank. Cichlids have a well earned bad reputation for moving substrate around which dislodges and damages live plant roots in your aquatic species tank. A good number of Cichlids are also vegetarian and will quickly decimate any live plant fish tank decor in your aquatic species tank. Plastic Plant fish tank decor is far more robust in your Cichlid aquatic species tank and would provide a degree of cover for for any subordinate fish who are looking to escape from the tank bully.
For fish tank decor at the best value from brands such as Zoo Med, Blue Ribbon, Como, Penn-Plax, Jardin and World Wide Imports to name but a few. For a huge range of quality fish tank decor see the links below.