
to Aquarama Fish Tank Supplies

On this site is great value on an extensive range of fish care products.

A very healthy Electric Yellow Cichlid that has been raised on a good quality flake fish food available on this site. Flake fish food was used at all stages of this fish's life cycle.

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For a great range of fish food types including flake fish food, pellet Cichlid feed, freeze dried fish food, and fish food in disc/wafer form. All major fish food brands are available and come in a great variety of sizes and fish food container types. Below is just a sample of what's on offer. Just click on the fish food tab above to see a more extensive range.


Available on this site is a great selection of quality flake fish food. Flake fish food is a type of food which fish find most attractive to eat. Due to its nature flake fish food starts off floating getting picked off by the surface feeders and then will gradually sink through mid water presenting itself to mid water feeders. Any flake fish food that gets to the bottom will become food for the bottom scavanger type feeders.
Their are different types of flake fish food available including high protein flake fish foods for carnivorous fish and Spirulina flake fish food for herbivorous fish. Brands of flake fish food to consider include OSI Ocean Nutrition, Sera, Tetra, Wardley and HBH to name but a few of the many available here.


Gold Fish like the one pictured have traditionally thrived on flake fish food especially formulated for them. It is a common mistake for novice aquarists (who usually buy this species as their first aquatic pet) to overfeed more flake fish food than they require. A general rule to follow is to only feed what flake fish food that they can consume in a couple of minutes. Any flake fish food left over will turn the aquarium water foul causing the fish to stress and possibly die.

Flake fish food for Gold Fish can vary greatly in quality and price so order the best your budget will allow and use the star ratings and consumer feed back comments in the product link as a guide as to the best flake fish food to buy.

Hartz Wardley 3-Ounce Flake Fish Food, Goldfish

Tetra 16621 Tetra Fin Goldfish Flake Fish Food, 4.52 lbs, 10 L

Aqueon 06044 Goldfish Flake Fish Food, 7.12-Ounce


The most ideal fish feed for aquarium fish in a mixed community tank is a good quality flake fish food. A flake fish food with a mixture of high protein and lower protein flake ingredients best suits the dietery requirements of the inhabitants. Flake fish food is ideal for community fish as the flakes can be offered at all levels of the aquarium.

If you have for instance a community tank with a mixture of say species such as Neon Tetras, Sword Tails, Blue Rams, Silver Sharks, loaches and some Corydoras Catfish then a good quality flake fish food available for purchase through this site will serve you well.

A good general rule is to only feed the flake fish food that the inhabitants can only consume in a couple of minutes. As their are dozens of flake fish food brands on offer and as your're spoiled for choice just make an educated purchase by utilizing the other customers' revues on the purchase web site. Below are a few suggestions on flake fish food for you to consider.

Ocean Nutrition Formula Two Flake Fish Food 2.5oz

Aqueon 06034 Tropical Flake Fish Food, 7.12-Ounce

Tetra 77248 TetraColor PLUS Tropical Flakes, 7.06-Ounce, 1-Liter


The most ideal flake fish food for aquarium fish who need a specialised vegetarian such Tropheus from Lake Tanganyika and Mbuna cichlids from Lake Malawi is a flake fish food with low protein and a high content of spirulina. It is critical that these species get the correct flake fish food as the digestive tracts are evolved for a high vegetable diet. A diet of high protein flake fish food will cause problems such as bloat which is a fatal condition. Listed below is few recommendations on good quality Spirulina flake fish food.

Zoo Med Spirulina 20 Flake Fish Food, 4-Ounce

OSI Marine Lab Spirulina Flake Fish Food 7.06oz

Tetra 16309 TetraVeggie Flake Fish Food 5.65 oz, 1L


Below is a range of good quality flake fish food formulated especially for Marines. These species have special requirements and these flake fish foods cater for that. Below are three recommended flake fish foods, but their are more brands of flake fish food for marines available.

New Life International Spectrum Saltwater Flake Fish Food With Garlic 90g

Ocean Nutrition Formula One Flake Food 2.5oz

OSI Marine Lab Marine Flake Fish Food 7.06oz


If you have a number of aquariums running as I have it is very economical and sensible to by flake fish food in bulk and I always buy my flake fish food in bulk form these days. One large 11 lb bucket lasts me well over a year. The one thing to make about buying flake fish food in bulk is to make sure it is stored properly in an air tight container. Luckily most bulk flake fish food comes in a bucket with a resealable lid. Inside this bucket the flake fish food is stored in a resealable plastic bag for extra security. The less you open up this container of flake fish food the longer it will keep in the best condition. The two main issues with the deterioration are moisture and over handling causing the flake to crumble. I get around this issue by using a three stage system of dispensing my flake fish food. I fill a 3 lb resealable container from the purchased bulk container with the flake fish food and fill a half pound container periodically from this 3 lb container. I feed the flake fish food to my aquarium species from the small resealable half pound container. This way I keep my flake fish food in optimum condition.

Ocean Star International (O.S.I.) Spirulina Flake Fish Food, 11 lb

Tetra 16623 TetraMin Tropical Flake Fish Food, 4.52 lbs, 10 L

Omega One Freshwater Flake Fish Food Bulk 10 lb Size


Pellet Cichlid feed is ideal nutrition for your Cichlids. Because Cichlids represents many thousands of species with many varied types of feeding habits it's important to purhase the most suitable Pellet Cichlid feed that will allow the easiest way for your cichlid to consume its nutrition. As previously mentioned their is pellet fish feed that floats, sinks, or does both out of the same container. It is also vital that you purchase the correct pellet Cichlid feed to suit your particular species.

Hikari 12-Ounce Cichlid Excel Sinking Pellet cichlid Feed, Mini

Aqueon 06187 Cichlid Color Enhancing Pellet Cichlid Feed, 4-1/2-Ounce

Omega One Super Color Cichlid Small Pellets 16.25oz


Discus Cichlids from South America have specific dietry requirements for what Pellet Cichlid feed they need to have.Discus prefer pellet Cichlid feed presented to them in midwater and te pellet Cichlid feed type product can easily be formulated to do this. Below are some links to good quality Discus specificly formulated pellet Cichlid feed. Their are many brands of pellet Cichlid feed to choose from. Use the star rating in the links to gauge the best value and quality pellet Cichlid food to purchase.

New Life International Spectrum Discus Formula Sinking Pellet Cichlid Feed 300g

Hikari USA Inc. Tropical Discus Bio-Gold Pellet Cichlid Feed

Discus Pellet Cichlid Feed Size: 1000 ml

Hikari USA Inc. Tropical Discus Bio-Gold

Cobalt Aquatics Discus Hans Pellet Cichlid Feed, 8-Pound

Nls Discus Sinking Pellet Cichlid Food 80Gm


  • A container of pellet Cichlid feed is denser than a container of flake fish food and lasts longer.
  • To know how much Pellet Cichlid feed to give portion wise is easier to work out.
  • Pellet Cichlid feed by its nature doesn't break up in the water as fish flake feed does.
  • Pellet cichlid feed fills fish quicker at feed times than flake fish food.
  • You can buy pellet Cichlid feed that sits on the surface for surface feeders.
  • You can buy pellet Cichlid feed that sinks to suit bottom feeding fish such as Cat Fish.
  • You can also buy Pellet Cichlid feed that both floats and sinks out of the same container.
  • Pellet Cichlid feed offers an economical alternative to more expensive forms of food available.


Fluval Edge 6-Gallon Aquarium with 21-LED Light, Black

Tetra Crescent Aquarium Kit, 5-Gallon

Tetra 29095 Cube Aquarium Kit, 3-Gallon


Como 6 Pcs Assorted Color Aquarium Plastic Plant Decoration w Ceramic Base

Jardin Plastic Aquarium Plants Fish Tank Decoration, Red/Purple

Marina Aquascaper Plastic Plant, Hygrophilia, 4-Inch tall


Fluval 206 External Filter

Marina I25 Internal Filter

Fluval C4 Power Filter


API Tap Water Conditioner, 16-Ounce

Tetra 16163 AquaSafe Plus Water Conditioner, 33.8-Ounce

Seachem Prime 500ml


Check below for links to a selection of quality aquarium hobby books. These offer an extensive range of advice on all aspects of the aquarium keeping hobby.Their are hundreds of titles of aquarium hobby books available. These general type aquarium hobby books come such authors as Atsushi Sakurai, David Aderton, David E. Burochowitz and Herbert R. Axelrod to name but a few. Their are also aquarium hobby books specifically written for Cichlids. These specialized aquarium hobby books come from famous authors such as Ad Konings, Paul Loiselle, Anton Lambot and Pierre Brichard. 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